Thursday 28 January 2010

Colour, Black and White or Sepia?

At this moment in time we are yet to decide on which type of film grading we want to use. all three has their own advantages and there are many things we have to decide before we decide which film grading we want to use. if we were to use black and white, it wold make the film look more defined and dark/gloomy, which will help set the mood of the film, because the idea of a scene we are trying to make, that would be suitable. Where as colour will mean we can express characters attitude and character with clothes, also it will show the mood of the room really well as well. Sepia will act very much like black and white, but will give a different mood to the characters and to the room, however the mood it gives might not be the right one for the scene we are doing. We will give this some thought and decide in the next couple of days.

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