Thursday 28 January 2010

Script Version 1

(Starts with close up of a pool ball being potted, then camera placed from the side of the pool table where the ball is potted, the camera pans up to reveal the character). Regel Rodriguez is sitting in a dark corner with low cairiscuro lighting being illuminated by the end of his cigarette.
Lee Dynamite is drinking a pint surrounded by many empty pint and shot glasses and is playing pool with johnny bullets who is celebrating since he just potted a ball.

Johnny Bullets: Fuck Yeah! (Camera freezes to reveal his name) Suck on that Lee!
Lee Dynamite: Ye well watch this ( Extremely drunk and staggering on his feet, he misses the ball aswell as the table and falls over the table )
Johnny Bullets: C'mon man up ya get (Johnny helps him up)
Lee Dynamite: Did i win ?, I wanna rematch (Johnny puts him in a chair, he is very drunk), right im going off for a piss.(Falls asleep whilst urinating at the urinal)

(Two hours later Lee Dynamite is still unriating in the toilet at closing time the owners allow the 3 to stay later after lock-in becuase they are staying in a room at the hotel)
Johnny Bullets: Im off to the room upst......
( They hear a loud burst of gunshots from outside and lee runs out of the toilet with his trousers round his ancles)

Johnny Bullet: Fuck ! get down (He dives under a near table pulling Lee down with him)
(We see smoke from Regel's gun and another man with a gun falls down dead through the front door from the outside)
Regel: Pathetic, there's nothing worse than a coward with a gun
Lee: Jesus christ!
Johnny: What the fuck are we gonna do ?
Regel: We're gonna get even

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