Friday 29 January 2010


Script continuing from version 2

(Joe, Kev, Bills, Mucker are sitting in the bar)

Joe : That sounds like a plan then.
Kev: Alright, I'll show you this stuff then.
Bills: Yeah, gotta take a slash first.
Mucker: I'll wait here, we'll be down in a sec.
Joe: Don't be long or I'm off.

(Bills gets up but camera stays over looking the table, footsteps are emphasized, the shot then shows him entering the toilet, the shot is from the end of the toilet blocks with urinals at the end, after Bills steps up at the urinals, a man then appears from the loo with a red armband, he walks up to Bills and draws a knife from his pocket, Bills unaware. Camera then changes to close up of Mucker's face with him scratching under his lower lip with his thumb, then shaking his head, the camera then moves back to show him sitting at the table, he downs the small amount left in his drink, looks to the toilet door and shouts to Bills)

Mucker: I'm waiting out front.

(No answer, camera then changes to the front of Mucker, it then moves with him as he leaves towards the door, when he reaches it it changes to outside the bar, unless we find a bar with a good inside and outside, if we do then the shot will carry on moving to reveal him at the front of the bar, he will then lean to the left of the door. Then the last script Starts.)

Script Version 2

Starts with a mid-shot of a man leaning on a wall, smoking looks like he's waiting for something, then he looks at his watch and turns camera right and walks parallel to a panning shot until he reaches the alley, about a 5 second walk. As he reaches the alley the shot changes to a close-mid-shot of him from the POV of the alley, as he enters the alley, the shot stays in focus (no zoom) but moves backwards to reveal a car and one man standing by on the right hand side of the shot. once the shot has revealed both characters well the shot will stop moving and stay where it is to reveal the car right door opening (car front facing camera, door on the right hand side of screen) then a man leaving the door and shutting it. the shot then changes to a shot facing the right hand side of car having the first 2 men on the left hand side of the screen and the third man walking from right to left with the camera not moving. the camera then changes to a close-shot of the three men together dominating the screen with the camera being placed at the back left of the car having man 2 in the middle, man 1 on right of screen and nearest to camera with man 3 left and furthest from camera, then after likely dialogue and man 2 placing his hand on the boot, the camera changes to a dark screen for no more than 0.5 seconds with it appearing that the camera angle is from the POV of the boot, with it opening revealing the 3 men (make sure that they have stayed in place (continuity). they then discuss main part of the scene (dialogue yet to be finalized) then when dialogue has finished, then the boot is shut(emphasis on the diagetic sound of the boot shutting) and shot changes back to the same one as before, the shot of the right of the car, man 3 then returns to his car as before with man 2 getting in the passenger seat, walking about a metre behind man 1 so both are seen on screen (man 3 not covering him) and then the shot pans to man 1 leaving screen left. mid-way through him leaving the shot changes to show his front and him walking towards the camera, he then turns screen left (opposite sid to where he came in) with the camera turning steady and him walking away but with the camera stayin stil, and the screen gradually fading to black. The end

Thursday 28 January 2010


We thought that for our costumes we would have a kid of reservoir dogs look, very stylish and smart. The reason for this is that we are going to the kind of gangster gang film, so reservoir dogs is a good place to take insperation
Script Version 1

(Starts with close up of a pool ball being potted, then camera placed from the side of the pool table where the ball is potted, the camera pans up to reveal the character). Regel Rodriguez is sitting in a dark corner with low cairiscuro lighting being illuminated by the end of his cigarette.
Lee Dynamite is drinking a pint surrounded by many empty pint and shot glasses and is playing pool with johnny bullets who is celebrating since he just potted a ball.

Johnny Bullets: Fuck Yeah! (Camera freezes to reveal his name) Suck on that Lee!
Lee Dynamite: Ye well watch this ( Extremely drunk and staggering on his feet, he misses the ball aswell as the table and falls over the table )
Johnny Bullets: C'mon man up ya get (Johnny helps him up)
Lee Dynamite: Did i win ?, I wanna rematch (Johnny puts him in a chair, he is very drunk), right im going off for a piss.(Falls asleep whilst urinating at the urinal)

(Two hours later Lee Dynamite is still unriating in the toilet at closing time the owners allow the 3 to stay later after lock-in becuase they are staying in a room at the hotel)
Johnny Bullets: Im off to the room upst......
( They hear a loud burst of gunshots from outside and lee runs out of the toilet with his trousers round his ancles)

Johnny Bullet: Fuck ! get down (He dives under a near table pulling Lee down with him)
(We see smoke from Regel's gun and another man with a gun falls down dead through the front door from the outside)
Regel: Pathetic, there's nothing worse than a coward with a gun
Lee: Jesus christ!
Johnny: What the fuck are we gonna do ?
Regel: We're gonna get even

Colour, Black and White or Sepia?

At this moment in time we are yet to decide on which type of film grading we want to use. all three has their own advantages and there are many things we have to decide before we decide which film grading we want to use. if we were to use black and white, it wold make the film look more defined and dark/gloomy, which will help set the mood of the film, because the idea of a scene we are trying to make, that would be suitable. Where as colour will mean we can express characters attitude and character with clothes, also it will show the mood of the room really well as well. Sepia will act very much like black and white, but will give a different mood to the characters and to the room, however the mood it gives might not be the right one for the scene we are doing. We will give this some thought and decide in the next couple of days.

The general consensus of our story is that of gang rivalry. So basically there are many gangs in the area and the hugest gang has been totally desomated by the other gangs in the area. There are only 3 members of the lead gang left, each of them with a particular set of skills. Regel Rodriguez, Johnny Bullets, and Lee Dynamite, an assassin, explosives expert, and hitman. They have come together to abolish and destroy the enemy gangs with just the three of them. They are in a bar plotting how the will obliterate and end the other gangs.

Satire Idea

Toilet scene, and also could be linked with the bar scene. This part of the scene is about a guy who has gone off to the pub toilet while he is drunk and falls in an awkward position next to a shifty looking man. The shifty man asks if the drunk guy if he is alright, at which point the drunk guy looks at him and because he is drunk he accidentally looks at Shifty's penis in the urinal. Shifty then says that, "its alright" and then talks, (he is equally drunk), abot his views on penis sizes and his theories about the perfect urinal piss. At this point the camera cuts to the other person the drunk guy is with who says some stuff to some people, then the camera comes back to the guy in toilet who says some more weird things, before finnishing and saying, "in other words; im trying to say hello".

This would make as a funny scene.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Film ideas for film studies coursework

One of our ideas was to have a piece set in a specific time period, we were thinking of setting the scene in a 1940's smokey bar in America or the UK. The genre of the film will be a Hybrid of Noir/Action. We are yet to decide weather to have colour or use black and white or possibly a sepia tone.